Slots in Hockey


Each utterance may contain one or more slots. The bot will map them to entities to understand which ones are appropriate for processing. The types of slots include built-in slots that map to number, amount, and duration values. Custom slots can map to other types of entities, such as date and room type. In addition to built-in slots, the bot supports custom slot types as well. When the bot is building an utterance, the user may add a slot by selecting its name from the Uterance tab.

The term “slot” comes from the late 14c., when it originally referred to the hollow area at the base of the throat above the breastbone. Its origin is unknown, but it is thought to be related to Old French esclot, from which it was derived. Its meaning has also been traced to Old Norse slod, a synonym of slot. The word “slot” first appeared in the 1520s, but the meaning “a hollow area” came into use in 1888.

The word “slot” has been used in a number of different ways in hockey. One of the most obvious uses is a rectangular area between the face-off circles on the ice. The slot is a great area to play in as you have a clear view of the net. Another use for a slot is as an area for a flying display. The low slot allows for wrist shots to be taken with a clear view of the goal. In addition to a goal-scoring opportunity, the low slot allows defenders to establish a no-man’s-land where no player can pass or shoot.