What Is a Casino?
A casino is a place where people gamble. While casinos may have a number of attractions to draw in the crowds, including restaurants, stage shows and exotic scenery, they make their money from gambling. The games played in a casino are almost always based on chance, and while the odds of winning can vary greatly, there is a built-in house advantage for the casino. This edge is often lower than two percent and can make the difference between a large jackpot or a huge loss.
Something about gambling seems to encourage people to cheat, steal or scam their way into a jackpot. That’s why casinos spend a great deal of time, effort and money on security. Security starts on the floor of the casino, where dealers keep a close eye on patrons for any suspicious behavior. They know the routines of the games and can easily spot blatant tricks like palming cards or marking dice. Other casino employees, such as pit bosses and table managers, have a broader view of the game and can spot more subtle patterns.
While casinos have been around for centuries, they really began to take off in the 16th century with a gambling craze that swept Europe. Even though gambling was technically illegal, aristocrats could get away with throwing private parties at places called ridotti, which were basically casino-like settings where people would gamble in a variety of ways and socialize between bets. While these events were not as extravagant as a modern casino, they still helped attract a wide audience of gambling enthusiasts.