Casino – A Movie Review

A casino is a gambling establishment that provides visitors with the opportunity to play various games of chance. These include blackjack, poker, roulette, and more. They are usually mixed with dining, entertainment and shopping options to provide a complete experience.

Despite their reputation as seedy, backroom gambling parlors, casinos today have largely put that stereotype to bed. They are a legal, professional business that hires security guards and monitors their parking lots. Yes, crime still happens near some casinos but it is very rare and generally the police are nearby to deal with any problems. Large gambling pavilions like these are a great place to eat, watch live shows (or sometimes closed-circuit broadcasts), and have a good time.

Martin Scorsese does an excellent job capturing the essence of Las Vegas and its history in Casino. It is a very compelling movie with well-developed characters engaging in riveting drama. It may not have the pizzazz of Goodfellas or the moral grandeur of Mean Streets but it is a terrific story with many captivating themes.

While the movies tend to depict a rosy picture of casinos, there is no doubt that gambling has its downsides. It can be addictive and lead to financial ruin if not controlled. However, casinos have their own perks and often contribute to the local economy. The jobs that are created help to bring down the unemployment rate and increase the average wages in the surrounding neighborhood. Moreover, they also provide tax revenue that can help local politicians fund necessary community services or avoid budget cuts in other areas.