Casino – How Casinos Make You Gamble

Casino is a fascinating film that portrays a real-life situation in the mob. It is perhaps Scorsese’s most violent movie, but the violence serves its purpose. It lays bare the intricate web of corruption that was at the center of Las Vegas’ gambling industry and shows us how predatory the mob could be. The acting is also top notch, especially Robert De Niro and Sharon Stone. Joe Pesci is a definite standout, portraying a character that is as ruthless as they come. The scene where he goes after Ginger is one of the most compelling in cinematic history, and it is an excellent example of how subtle the writing can be when the actors are doing their jobs well.

The dazzling lights, the joyful music and the euphoric atmosphere are designed to make you feel like you’re experiencing something magical. This feeling of euphoria is known as a ‘rush’ and it’s a natural human reaction to experiences that make you happy. Unfortunately, many people can become addicted to these rushes. This is why casinos are such profitable businesses.

Casinos use a number of tricks to get you to stay and gamble. One such trick is to strategically place essential amenities like toilets, restaurants and cash machines deep within the gaming area. This makes you walk past numerous slot machines and tables every time you need to use the bathroom or grab a snack. It’s this constant exposure to gambling opportunities that increases your chances of making a spur-of-the-moment decision to play. Casinos also remove external cues like daylight and clocks to further disorient you and increase the likelihood of you gambling longer than you intended to.